East Hill Animal Hospital

Pensacola, Florida

Surgery & Pre-Anesthetic Consent Form

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Testing, — Your pet is scheduled for a procedure requiring anesthesia, and like you, our greatest concern is his or her well being. Before your pet goes under anesthesia, we will perform a full physical examination. We also recommend that a pre-anesthetic blood profile be performed, which will alert us to the presence of dehydration, anemia, infection, diabetes, and/or kidney or liver disease – conditions that could complicate the procedure being done, and which can not be detected on physical examination. These blood tests are similar to those your own physician would require if you were to undergo anesthesia. The tests may also be helpful later—if your pet’s health changes, we will have this base-line information to guide us to a diagnosis. 

1. We require that healthy pets under 8 years of age be tested. The tests will include: BUN (kidney), ALKP (liver), Glucose (sugar), Total Protein (hydration), ALT (liver), Creatinine (kidney), and Complete Blood Count (anemia, infection, & clotting) and SDMA (the latest test for kidney function). The additional fee is $95.65. 

2. We require that senior pets (aged 8 years and older) and sick pets be tested. The test for these patients includes those tests listed above as well as Albumin (protein), Phosphorus (kidney), Calcium (tumors), Total Bilirubin (liver), and Amylase (pancreas). The additional fee is $125.45